Home>Product>C/C Composite structural materials>CFC Fixture

CFC Fixture

The products are manufactured at 2000'c~2500'c, and heat deformation does not occur, in order toachieve better thermal shock resistance, the product is repeatedly heat-treated. The density of theproduct is, which is 1/4 of the weight of heat-resistant steel, and the strength of the carbonfiber is 3~5 times stronger than that of the original graphite material due to the reinforcement treatmentso that the product will not be damaged even ifit is dropped.
Automatic loading can be realized
Strength increases with temperature
High thermal stability and resistance to thermal vibration
Low density and light weight
Long service life

Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators Units Vulcan Models
Vulcan Models
Vulan Models
VU-CC-01 VU-CC-02 VU-CC-03
Density g/cm³ 1.55 1.5 1.5
Tensile Strength Mpa 145 135 135
Tensile Modulus GPa 40 30 30
Bending Strength MPa 135 160 160
Bending Modulus GPa 35 35 35
Shear Strength MPa 65 45 45
Thermal Diffusion Coefficient
mm2/s 3.3 17 17
Specific Heat 50℃(丄) J/g/k 0.85 1.65 1.65
Thermal Conductivity 50℃(丄) W/(m·K) 4.5 42.5 42.5
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion/
10-6 8.5 (丄) 1 (//) 9 (丄) 1.02 (//) 9 (丄) 1.02 (//)
Electrical Resistivity µΩm 35 30 30
Operating Temperature 2000 2000 2000
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